Hi, I'm Angela.
I'm a front end developer in a UX state of mind.
I'm currently working through Bloc's Web Developer Track.
I love tinkering with code, designing layouts for the best possible user experience, and dreaming up cool application ideas.
When I'm not coding, I'm writing short stories and playing with the sweetest sheltie in the universe.
How can I help?
With my background in QA, I am highly attentive to detail and adept at communicating with users, engineers and business alike.
My love of user experience design and front end web development uniquely qualifies me to assist with the production of high quality digital applications.
Stuff I made
Wolf Park, Indiana Quiz
An informative, mini quiz about Wolf Park, my favorite nonprofit. Answer five questions about Wolf Park, and receive instant feedback. Cute wolf pictures abound!
Tech used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery
Dr. Muse's Fantastical Writing Prompt Generator
This application uses 3 APIs to produce a writing prompt for an aspiring fiction author. First, the writer selects a genre. From the genre, an image is randomly selected for "plot inspiration" from the Pixabay API. Then, the writer selects a theme, from which the second API, QuoteGarden, generates a quote. Lastly, the RandomUser API generates a name of the protagonist and a location for the story. The final screen displays all prompt pieces together, along with a button to restart the prompt generator.
Tech used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery
Draftling is a writing forum, designed for writers to post their work, and editors and readers to give feedback. Writers can post their work by filling out the post form, then clicking Publish. Once a work is published, it is available to the search component. Readers and editors can then search by genre, title or word count, and select a piece to read. If they wish to provide feedback, they can choose between styles of critiques: Freeform and Template. For freeform critiques, the fields are open-ended and feedback can be given in a format of the editor's choosing. Template critiques, on the other hand, are more specific, with questions pertaining to plot, characters, point of view, and other areas the writer can improve upon.
Tech used: Client: React.js, vanilla CSS
API: Node.js, Express.js
Reciplease is a recipe application. Users can add and edit recipes, and then publish them to the Reciplease database. Once a recipe is published, it is available to the search component. Recipe lovers can search by recipe name or by ingredients.
Tech used: Client: React.js, vanilla CSS
API: Node.js, Express.js
Contact Me
Interested in learning more about me? Email or follow me on LinkedIn. Looking forward to working together!